MLA Job Information List (JIL) Report
A report on the 2010-11 MLA Job Information List (JIL) is now available on the MLA Web site. The report shows trends in the number of jobs announced in the JIL over the past thirty-six years (1975-76 to 2010-11) and provides an analysis of the characteristics of ads that departments have placed in the JIL's digital databases each year since 2000-01.The number of jobs advertised in 2010–11 rose by 90 (8.2%) in the English edition and by 73 (7.1%) in the foreign language edition since 2009–10. In 2010–11 the JIL’s English edition announced 1,190 positions, compared with 1,100 in 2009–10; the foreign language edition announced 1,095 positions, compared with 1,022 in 2009–10. The number of jobs advertised in 2010–11 remains a third below the 2007–08 peak, when the English edition announced 1,826 jobs and the foreign language edition announced 1,680 jobs. For the full report, go to: